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A Dating Mistress: Summer '21 Part 1

Writer: Monday Jones Monday Jones

Updated: Sep 12, 2023


"I've always been the Mistress & now it's time for Me to take the lead role!" -Ms. Monday Jones


Summer had a rough start here in the United States. Not only the continued drama of The Covid19 +++++++++ *variants Pandemic, vaccine wars, the shitty, fear-based political environment, crazy economic inflation - but the fucking weather, yo! Fires line the West, extreme temps heat the East and cold, stormy weather attacks the North and South.

It's as if Mother Nature isn't happy with us. I'm usually not one for small talk regarding the weather but being a highly sensitive person, My surroundings matter, and weather seems to be relevant when I look at it that way. I will say, I've been trying to stay clear of the news these days and not spending much time on social media.

I'm sure My fans noticed the silence on My @MondayJones420 Instagram account and the disappearance of My personal Instagram @MJ420Ultra (if you followed that account). It got hacked. I'm in the process of getting it back, but we'll see if that's a thing. In the meantime, I have created @MJ420.Ultra. (Notice the dot!) It's not much and I'm not putting much into it. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it and such.

Starting over can be tough, but it also can be liberating. I have an opportunity to take a different path with how I focus and spend My time. And well, maybe social media isn't it anymore.

Plus, the censorship police are fucking ridiculous. I'm shadow band, red flagged, or marked as "sensitive content" on all of the platforms I utilize for work. Even My Onlyfans is in danger of being deleted. I guess I got Me some haters because I come with warning labels. PS: I made My work @MondayJones420 IG private for awhile BUT My @Ms_Monday_Jones is still public.

Okay, I'm actually mourning the loss of My old IG account. I know, I know, it's just a social media platform. But I had the account for 12 years. I didn't have a lot of followers but I had a large record of My photos there. Almost 3,000 of them. They documented My life. Sure you think I would have them backed up in My cloud or on an external hard drive, but no. When I got My latest iPhone, I lost everything. All gone. By the way, My youngest child is 12. *tear

SONG: Leon Bridges - River (Listen HERE)

A Summer New York City Movie Moment

I'll begin this story with some back story. I will share candidly that I saw the script to the movie before the film was released. I believe My spider senses told Me. However, some details were a bit shocking and a little exciting. I'm glad My intuition has a few blinders to allow some surprises in My life.

Once upon a time, in the summer of 2019 (aww pre-Covid days), I met a man. He showed up at My door, like the majority of the men I meet. We spent a lovely time together in My Portland, Oregon Studio. We parted ways on a good note. I didn't think much of the engagement but something tells Me he did. I've heard from other people that have visited Me that the time we spend together is impactful and unforgettable.

Early Spring of 2021, I run into this same man on the streets of Manhattan in the Chelsea neighborhood somewhere on West 7th. He stopped Me by saying "Monday?" With My hands full of groceries and a jug of water, we chatted on the corner for 30 minutes or so. We even made plans to meet up later that night for a session. But it never lined up. It actually didn't line up the next FOUR times we tried to schedule and reschedule. Again, I didn't think much of it.

Until just recently, on a muggy but mild August day in Manhattan, I was perched on My favorite bench that lined the outside of Madison Square Park facing 5th Ave. I'm smoking a joint, listening to music and casually looking at My social media. Then a DM pops up on My IG. It's from this same gentleman. He asks "Can we get a drink?" I happen to look up and see him standing across the street waving his arms. I reply to the DM with "For a date or appointment?" and I stand up and mirror his arm wave.

We met for the drink. I only gave him 30 minutes. And boy did he maximize his 30 minutes with a nervous confusion about his desires for Me on all levels and how serendipitous it is that we keep meeting randomly. It was a very endearing word

vomit that I honestly don't think he had much control over.

I hope I eased his mind when I told him I wasn't much surprised by what was going on. You see, this is the part I knew was coming. I knew that a person from My past, a person that was a mix of business pleasure, was going to show up with a declaration. I also knew I would run into the person on the streets of Manhattan.

The man and I parted ways, with plans to meet up later that night for dinner. At the restaurant, the chef came out to greet us with hugs and shots of Mescal. I was under the impression the man and the chef knew one another but didn't question the attention. We ate. We drank. We talked. Then he got called into work. I asked what his job was, and he asked Me if I wanted to see.

Now this part was definitely a surprise and felt right out of the movies. Slightly gangster too. On the way to his work, he mentioned the location changes on a regular basis. But I have zero recollection of the taxi ride there, since we got fresh and handsy with each other in the back seat. The cabbie dropped us outside an unmarked building. The man rang a bell. We got buzzed in and climbed steep stairs up two flights.

The doors opened into an empty, all white foyer with a black velvet curtain to our right. Clouds of marijuana smoke puffed out when we pulled back the curtain to walk into a room of sexy ass women, drinks, food, drugs, money, guns and an ethnically diverse group of men sitting at a table playing cards. They all assumed I was joining them for poker! I quickly realized I'd just entered an illegal gambling game, and I'm there with the dealer. For the next two hours, I confidently stood back and soaked it all in...

*Maybe there will be a sequel but no guarantees with Me. You just don't know what you'll get with Monday Jones.

SONG: Alina Baraz - Floating Feat. Khalid (Listen HERE)

Books of My summer...

A Runner's High: My Life in Motion by Dean Karnazes (View HERE)


Across America on Foot: 27 Stories of Adventure, Endurance, and Inspiration (View HERE)

I figured I would give myself a break from all those self-help books and read something for fun. Yes, running (and reading) are fun for Me. So, since I'm not accumulating 75 running miles a week anymore (just roughly 25 miles right now), the running stories are keeping Me company and inspiring Me to maybe write My own running tales.

*Confusion time: Every running and dog story seriously brings tears to My eyes.

Speaking of running. I've decided to call My running season after The Great New York 100 Mile Ultra Marathon. I made it to mile 40 in the race, and no that's not why I'm throwing in the towel for the rest of the season. I actually feel proud of My 40 out of 100 miles that I ran on that extremely hot, humid New York City day. However, this blog isn't writing about a race decompression and truthfully I'm not one that spends much time on writing those up for My past races.

Running is more of a way of life for Me, and race days are usually just another day in the journey. I'm not much of a "racer" and focus more on the running part when it comes to events. Anyways, I don't have any more races on the schedule this year, but I did have a 3-week journey run crewing and pacing a friend on the calendar for August/September 2021.

My health has taken quite the turn this last year. Living with Endometriosis for over 25 years has been challenging, and the symptoms have been getting painfully worse with age. Plus, I honestly still feel like I'm recovering from My personal exposure to Covid19 in Spring of 2020. That shit virus is no joke. Seriously My veins and blood are still not the same.

SONG: Niwel Vocal & Lyrics - Bad Love (Listen HERE)

Besides the sadness that arises with the transition in My running season, I'm also grieving a shift in a friendship. In December of 2020 a friend came to stay with Me. I offered My space for free until they could get back on their feet after returning from a long stay in another country. Well, a long story short: they stayed over 6 months with My family and Me in My very small Portland, Oregon townhouse. I didn't think it was going to be that long of a stay.

They slept in My bed. And if you follow Me, you already know how much I love My bed. I didn't share My bed because I'm "that" nice of a person, but because it would have been weird for them to share a room with My children. Right?

Needless to say, after such a long stay in My home, I'm currently burned out on the friendship and taking a break. Looking back on this now, I can see that I felt oddly responsible for this adult human. I have no clue why. Maybe I was paying off some karma?!?!

This adult is 45+ years old. The person has their own life to live but yet I felt like I needed to care for them. Don't get Me wrong, I did receive a lot from this experience. And I learned I don't want roommates. But I also learned that I'm not obligated to anyone other than Myself, My children and My dogs. And I'm not really looking for relationships with attachments and/or obligations.

So, with all that said, "The One Joint Conversation" podcast I was creating is now on hold. Yep, you got it, the friend that stayed with Me, was also the co-host of the podcast. *shoulder shrug

Moving on up! To the Upper East Side, that is. Hell yeah Manhattan, you've got a new kid on the block. That's right, it's happening. My pay pig and I took a trip to the city mid-summer to meet with the brokers and for him to real time visually experience the investment he was about to purchase for Me.

To show My appreciation for My new co-op studio gift, with a Breakfast at Tiffany's zip code, I gifted him a cuckolding scene with My friend and "co-worker" Steven Rise.

Enough said. *Wink

I really doubt I need to go on and on about how much My pay pig enjoyed himself watching Me get fucked and serviced by a real man, so I'm not going to. I'm going to circle back around to My condo. Yes, My condo. It's a perfectly cozy step-down, 388-square-foot with exposed brick, walk-in closet with an attached bathroom and kitchenette. A shared garden is in the back. And, it's only 4 flights up in a doorman-free building with an elevator. This unique structure stands out on its block just like I do on the streets of NYC. Hopefully closing happens this fall!

SONG: The Reverend Horton Heat - New York City Girls (Listen HERE)

Oh Yeah! I finally have found a female vocal teacher. Yay! Now it's time to work on training My voice and My confidence to share it with the world. Singing in Central Park with a hat to catch pocket change? Or, recording an album? I've had this fun project on the back burner, with many other ideas of grand projects germinating in the ethers.

One last thing before signing off: I've officially deleted all My dating app profiles/apps and unsubscribed. It felt like I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Plus, it was getting exhausting coming out of the closet about being queer, taboo, non-monogamous and a sex worker in almost every interaction because I find it respectful to be transparent. My intuition told Me to unsubscribe, and I listened. The apps were a waste of My time and energy anyways, because I already know that I'll be meeting My next BIG LOVE organically and in the moment when the timing is just right.

To someday and beyond...

SONG: Michael Kiwanuka - Love & Hate (Listen HERE)


My summer love affair has been with My classic car: My 1975 Chevy Nova SS.

I'm enjoying our weekend drives and meeting up for cruising with other classic car enthusiasts. I'm even thinking about showing her off this fall if I can get the finishing touches done on her in time. I've been finding a lot of My "car club" info on the PDX Car Culture website (View HERE)

SONG: Alina Baraz - Alone With You (Listen HERE)

*No rhyme or reason to the song placements. Just songs I'm currently listening to and gaining enjoyment from...

Photo's taken in Portland Oregon Spring of 2021



Shamanatrix Ms. Monday Jones 

Shamanic Practitioner
 Holistic Life Coach
Content Producer & Director   

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*I do not discriminate on the basis of age (18+), race, color, national origin, disability, s3x, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, s3xual orientation.

© 2022 Crafted in the United States of America by Ms. Monday Jones 

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